Visalia Direct: Virtual Valley January 2, 2014 Deadline February 2014 Issue Rise of the Machines, Decline of the Workers Historians will compare the current economic shift to the Industrial Revolution, and that might understate the seismic change to our workforce. Our schools are not preparing students for the changes underway, a structural change in the workplace that rewards the “superstars” and leaves many others behind. Our private and public institutions are also failing to prepare, despite contributing to these changes. If you wonder why both the Occupy and Tea Party movements rose to prominence, you need only ask what unified them: a sense that our system is failing the middle class. How they protest and their solutions differ, but underlying the broad discontent lies a realization that economic imbalance is increasing. Although members of both groups believe that Wall Street was bailed out at the expense of Main Street, what many don’t realize is that the financial in...
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