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My Views and a Bibliography Pt. 2

Selected Bibliography

My views on the implementation of online writing curricula are also informed by the following texts and articles:

Anson, Chris M. "Distant Voices: Teaching and Writing in a Culture of Technology." College English 61.3 (1999): 261-80.

Applebome, Peter. "The on-Line Revolution Is Not the End of Civilization as We Know It. But Almost." New York Times 4 April 1999 1999, sec. Education Supplement: 26-28, 35-37.

Armstrong, Alison, and Charles Casement. The Child and the Machine : How Computers Put Our Children's Education at Risk. Updated ed. Carlton North, Vic.: Scribe Publications, 2001.

Beniger, James. The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986.

Berlin, James A. Rhetorics, Poetics, and Cultures : Refiguring College English Studies. Lauer Series in Rhetoric and Composition. West Lafayette, Ind.: Parlor Press, 2003.

Callister, Nicholas C. Burbules and Thomas A. "Universities in Transition: The Promise and the Challenge of New Technologies." Teachers College Record 102.2 (2000): 271-93.

Carnevale, Dan. "Online Instructor Cautions against Having Too Many Activities." Chronicle of Higher Education (2001).

Corbett, Edward P. J., Nancy Myers, and Gary Tate. The Writing Teacher's Sourcebook. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Cuban, Heather Kirkpatrick and Larry. "Computers Make Kids Smarter--Right?" Technos 7.2 (1998): 26-31.

Cuban, Larry. The Blackboard and the Bottom Line : Why Schools Can't Be Businesses. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2004.

---. How Scholars Trumped Teachers : Change without Reform in University Curriculum, Teaching, and Research, 1890-1990. New York: Teachers College Press, 1999.

---. Oversold and Underused : Computers in the Classroom. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2001.

---. Teachers and Machines : The Classroom Use of Technology since 1920. New York: Teachers College Press, 1986.

Daniel, Sir John. "Lessons from the Open University: Low-Tech Learning Often Works Best." Chronicle of Higher Education (2001): B24.

Eric Fredericksen, Alexandra Pickett, and Peter Shea. "Factors Influencing Faculty Satisfaction with Asynchronous Teaching and Learning in the Suny Learning Network." JALN 4.3 (2000).

Guernsey, Lisa. "Cyberspace Isn't So Lonely after All." New York Times 26 July 2001 2001, sec. Science Times: 1.

Hafner, Katie. "Lessons in the School of Cut and Paste." New York Times 28 June 2001 2001: G1.

---. "Lessons Learned at Dot-Com U." The New York Times 2 May 2002 2002: E1.

Hawisher, Gail E. and Selfe, Cynthia L. . "The Rhetoric of Technology and the Electronic Writing Class." College Composition and Communication 42 (1991): 55-65.

Healy, Jane M. Endangered Minds : Why Children Don't Think--and What We Can Do About It. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999.

---. Failure to Connect : How Computers Affect Our Children's Minds--for Better and Worse. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.

Helmers, Marguerite H. Intertexts : Reading Pedagogy in College Writing Classrooms. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003.

Katz, Stanley N. "In Information Technology, Don't Mistake a Tool for a Goal." Chronicle of Higher Education (2001): B7.

Keegan, Desmond. Foundations of Distance Education. 3rd ed. London: Routledge, 1996.

Kelly, T. Mills. "Before Plugging in, Consider Your Options." Chronicle of Higher Education (2001): 9.

Kwan, Peter Carey and Joshua. "Prosperity's Shadow." San Jose Mercury News 26 December 1999 1999: 20A.

Leonard, David C. "The Web, the Millenniium, and the Digital Evolution of Distance Education." Issues in Web-Based Pedagogy: A Critical Primer. Ed. Robert A. Cole. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2000. 23-34.

Maeroff, Gene I. A Classroom of One: How Online Learning Is Changing Our Schools and Colleges. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Mangan, Katherine S. "Expectations Evaporate for Online Mba Programs." Chronicle of Higher Education (2001): A31.

---. "Top Business Schools Seek to Ride a Bull Market in on-Line M.B.A.'S." Chronicle of Higher Education (1999): 27.

McPherson, Miller. "Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Two Decades." American Sociological Review 71.June (2006): 353-75.

Michael Simonson, Sharon Smaldino, Michael Albright, and Susan Zvacek. Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 2000.

Miller, D. W. "Anthropologists Exploring Silicon Valley Find 'the Best, the Brightest, the Greediest'." Chronicle of Higher Education (1999): A21-22.

Monroe, Barbara Jean. Crossing the Digital Divide : Race, Writing, and Technology in the Classroom. New York ;: Teachers College Press, 2004.

Moran, Charles. "Technology and the Teaching of Writing." A Guide to Composition Pedagogies. Ed. Gary; Rupiper Tate, Amy; Schick, Kurt. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 203-23.

Natriello, Gary. "Off the Record: Dropping out of Distance Learning." Teachers College Record (2001).

Navarro, Peter. "The Promise--and Potential Pitfalls--of Cyberlearning." Issues in Web-Based Pedagogy: A Critical Primer. Ed. Robert A. Cole. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2000. 290-1.

Olsen, Florence. "Sylvan Learning Systems Forms Division Focusing on Online Higher Education." Chronicle of Higher Education (2001).

Oppenheimer, Todd. The Flickering Mind: Saving Education from the False Promise of Technology. New York: Random House, 2003.

Pratt, Rena M. Palloff and Keith. Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom: The Realities of Online Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001.

Rombeck, Janice. "Survey Finds Desire for Neighborhood Ties." San Jose Mercury News 27 December 1999 1999: 16A.

Russell, Scott. "Clients Who Frequent Madam Bennett's Emporium." The Writing Center Journal 20.1 (1999): 61-72.

Sarason, Seymour Bernard. Educational Reform : A Self Scrutinizing Memoir. New York: Teachers College Press, 2002.

Sarason, Seymour Bernard, and Robert L. Fried. The Skeptical Visionary : A Seymour Sarason Education Reader. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003.

Sarason, Seymour Bernard, and Seymour Bernard Sarason. Revisiting "The Culture of the School and the Problem of Change". The Series on School Reform. New York: Teachers College Press, 1996.

Stoll, Clifford. Silicon Snake Oil : Second Thoughts on the Information Highway. 1st ed. New York: Doubleday, 1995.

Symonds, William C. "Giving It the Old Online Try." Business Week 3 December 2001 2001: 76-80.

Tate, Gary, Amy Rupiper, and Kurt Schick. A Guide to Composition Pedagogies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Taylor, Todd. "The Persistence of Difference in Networked Classrooms: Non-Negotiable Difference and the African American Student Body." Computers and Composition 14 (1997): 169-78.

Turkle, Sherry. Life on the Screen : Identity in the Age of the Internet. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.

Turner, Judith Axler. "'Distance Learning' Courses Get High Marks from Students and Enrollments Are Rising." Chronicle of Higher Education (1989): 39.

Tyack, David B., and Larry Cuban. Tinkering toward Utopia : A Century of Public School Reform. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995.

Villanueva, Victor. Cross-Talk in Comp Theory : A Reader. 2nd ed. Urbana, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 2003.

Walther, Joseph B. "Computer-Mediated Communication: Impersonal, Interpersonal, and Hyperpersonal Interaction." Communication Research 23 (1996): 3-43.

Werbach, Kevin. "Clicks and Mortar Meets Cap and Gown: Higher Education Goes Online." Release 1.0 (2000): 1.

Woodlief, Marcel Cornis-Pope and Ann. "The Rereading/Rewriting Process: Theory and Collaborative, on-Line Pedagogy." Intertexts: Reading Pedagogy in College Writing Classrooms. Ed. Marguerite Helmers. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003.

Woodward, John, and Larry Cuban. Technology, Curriculum, and Professional Development : Adapting Schools to Meet the Needs of Students with Disabilities. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press, 2001.

Young, Jeffrey R. "The Cat-and-Mouse Game of Plagiarism Detection." Chronicle of Higher Education (2001): A26.

---. "Designer of Free Course-Management Software Asks, What Makes a Good Website?" Chronicle of Higher Education (2002).


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